Saturday, June 20, 2020

Various Neck Reviews Circa 2000

I would have run the reviews that aren't in English through a translation site, but I didn't want anything to get lost, well, in translation. Feel free to do so yourself though, you should be able to at least get the idea of what they're saying. 

"Das in New York und Bayreuth ansässige Label SFT Records bescherte uns ja schon einige Hardcore-Highlights wie No Redeeming Social Value, The Six & Violence oder 25 Ta Life. Mit Neck hat SFT nun den nächsten dicken Wurm aus dem Big Apple an der Angel: Das Quartett überrascht auf seinem selbstbetitelten Album mit einem virtuosen Wechselspiel von brutalem, NYHC-typischen Gröl-Gesang und melodisch-atmosphärischen Passagen, was manchmal kilingt wie Biohazard meets Faith No More. Darf ich mit dafür den Begriff Heartcore patentieren lassen?" (Uli Digmayer/Fränkische Nacht #141)

"Nachdem mich die letzte Vision Of Disorder-Scheibe maßlos enttäuscht hat, liefern mir Neck mit ihrem Debut eine willkommene Abwechslung zu ihren ehemaligen Labelmates. Sänger Mike hat eine ähnlich aggressive Stimme wie VOD's Tim, beschränkt sich aber nicht nur auf's Schreien, sondern traut sich auch an richtige Gesangparts ran, genauso wie das bei meinen ehemaligen Göttern der Fall war. Vertrackter Stoff mit abwechslungsreichen, teils sehr emotionalen, teils sehr brutalen Vocals, das ist genau mein Ding! Wie heißt es so schön im Info: 'Vocals so intense it will make satanists cry' und 'This music makes Sepultura sound like Mary Poppins'. Dem wäre eigentlich nichts mehr hinzuzufügen." (Kai Jorzyk/Splitter #15)

"Neck bringen ihre Musik auf den Punkt: 'We're four different people whose common fascination is with violence and beauty.' Das New Yorker Quartett zaubert auf seinem Debüt einen äußerst waghalsigen Spagat zwischen wunderschönen Melodien und der Ultrabrutalität auf erschreckend präzise Weise. An manchen Stellen fühlt man sich dank des einnehmenden Grooves fast ein wenig an Korn erinnert, allerdings nehmen es Neck in puncto Abgedrehtheit locker mit deren 'Twist' auf. Zweifelsohne stecken ihre Wurzeln tief im Hardcore, wobei sich einige Ableger in Richtung Noise und Jazz ausgebreitet haben, so daß Vergleiche mit Snapcase auf der hand liegen. Das trifft jedoch nur auf Necks gemäßigte Passagen zu, wenn sie nicht gerade zwischen zuckersüßen Popmelodien und verzerrter Lautmalerei hin- und herpendeln. In diesem Zusammenhang muß speziell auf die unglaubliche Leistung von Sänger Mike Dafferner hingewiesen werden, der mühelos von Popgesang zu Death Metal-artigem Shouting und zurück wechselt." (Melanie Schmidt/Visions #1/99)

"New York mal aus einem anderen Blickwinkel, nähmlich nicht Proll, sondern einfach phantastisch wirr, sich verschiedener Stilrichtungen bedienend. neben all den extremen Noisecore- und Death-Metal-Parts schleichen sich immer wieder Melodien ein, die ich aus dem Big Apple nicht mehr erwartet hätte. Allein 'm.t.i.v' sucht seinesgleichen, extram langsam siechend, jazzig untermalt, fiepst der Sänger unterlegt von Doublebass-Einlagen bis zu dem Punkt, an dem Into Another-typisch losgerockt wird. Stop, endet schon wieder nach zehn Sekunden, es gibt wieder Pain-Core im Stil von Converge, usw. usw. Oder 'Alcohol', so müßten Faith No More Klingen, wenn sie noch relevant wären. Udo, gib ihnen ein Video für 'Alcohol' und sie werden berühmt!" (Marc Lohausen/Ox #33)

"Neck are the latest singnings to SFT Records and are recording their album as we speak of. This is a pretty weird mixture. It is a sort of cross between Death Metal/Hardcore/Tool and, er, Pearl Jam. Nut don't let that put you of - this band is definitely worth checking out with totally unique sound." (Peachy/Glue #3)

"The latest SFT-signing, Neck, are trying to follow in the steps of VOD, playing music whith rushes between mellow harmonies and intense heavy thrash-parts. Musicly they sound like a cross between Pearl Jam and Pantera - extremly varied, yet somehow they manage to carry it off. The four tracks show a lot of potential, and definitely mahes them a name to look out for in the future." (Paul/Never Give Up #4)

"Dit label maakt reeds furore door groepen als VOD en 25 Ta Life te brengen tot wat ze zijn. En ook die Neck zal uitgroeien tot een grote band. Neck brengt ons toch wel zeer originele hardcore. Soms klinken ze spijkerhard dan weer melodieus. Luister maar naar 'Colostomy', 'this Is Forty' of 'Snowball'. In deze drie nummers hoor ik Korn, All Out War, Machine Head en zelfs Red Hot Chili Peppers invloeden, geloof het of niet! Het kan dus allemaal voor Neck. 'We willen de gekste dingen uitproberen', staat in de biografie vermeld. Wel, daar zijn ze absoluut in geslaagd. De stem van zanger Mike doet me af en toe denken an VOD. Regelmatig grijpt hij ook terug naar een grindcore stem, om het nog wat complexer te maken. Bovendien is de productie van deze schijf moddervet. Als je openstaat voor zowat alle muzieksoorten, dan is deze schijf deze groep in staat ta zijn hele tent om te vormen tot een slagveld. Hier gaan we nog van horen!" (Ronnie Borremans/Spin City 1/99)

"Lo primero me atjaro fue su extraña portada a la que aún no he podido encontrar un significado. Una buena productión, que se traduce en un buen sonido, acompaña a esta banda que nos llega desde New York. Salta a la vista en este grupo la intención de progresar en lo que es el Hardcore, aunque quizás no hayan plasmado lo que a mi parecer es un estilo definido. Dos grandes temas que destacar como son el corte número 4 y 5: 'Answer Me' y 'm.t.i.v.', de los cuales resaltan sus geniales estribilos melódicos al más puro estilo emo. Creo que si hiciesen canciones como las mencionadas ganarian mucho más. En resumen: contundencia y armonia se fusionan en este CD interesante sin duda." (Indio/Based On Respect #1)

Some from the Neck Website:

"Neck goes for the jugular like any predatory beast. However, lurking beneath this beast's manic surface is some serious thought and ability to be profoundly emotional and depressive. Artistic, yet unharnessed and brutal, this is a perfectly executed combination of moods." -Rockpile

"There needs to be more bands like this. Totally avoiding any cliches or any trends, just writing interesting and unique music. . . Don't analize it, just sit back and go for one of the wildest and most unparalleled rides of the year. - Transcending the Mundane

"As thew millenium approaches, bands like Neck continue to redefine and reconstruct the sound of music as we know it. Thank god for Neck too, because lord knows we don't need anymore copycat rock." -Chord Magazine

"For those that have never heard of Neck, one word: intense. These guys are a schizophrenic's musical dream . . . This is so diverse it should please anyone, no matter what you like . . . This CD is incredible, mind-blowing, and a new twist on N.Y.H.C." -Creed Zine

"Wow!. . . WOO-HOO! . . . You think it's hardcore, then it breaks into a sweet part with pretty vocals and you think, ooh this is good." -Alternative Press

"This is one of the most talented bands I've heard in a long time. The vocals go from an evil growling type to singing, and not pussy ass emo singing. They are so original, and each song has it's own different sound. The whole content is good." -Last Chance
And just for fun, here is the write up Striving For Togetherness Records did on them after they signed:

NECK: Please welcome the newest members of the huge SFT-familee: Neck. Maybe the one or other fellow of insane NYHC already knows their great demo-tape. The 4 songs on it - Answe Me!, Finger, Snowball and Howl - will be released on a CD, along with a couple of new trax. Two other Neck-songs were released on a 7" on Bittersweet Rec.: This Is Forty and M.t.I.V. So be sure to update your record-collection as soon as possible!
Just 20 miles east of New York City, in the antiseptic suburbs of Long Island, the New York Hardcore Scene thrives - dozens of independent bands are playing Hardcore, Melodicore, Emocore, Metalcore, Grindcore, and just about every other kind of "core" you can think of. But there's only one band on the scene who's using this entire range of underground styles at once, siphoning them into a brand-new musical machinery...they are NECK.
Like many of their influences (the band cites a wide variety ranging from Mr. Bungle to Tool to Bjork), Neck never stops long enough to be pinned down, which definitely keeps things interesting.
On "Answer Me", singer Mike D. screams like a rape victim on the song's chugging verse, and then he sweetly harmonizes above a strumming acoustic guitar on the surprise melodic chorus. Sucha variety of subtle stylistic changes are readily a part of Neck's music, keeping it fresh and engaging. That same melodic sensibility often creeps into Greg Kubacki's discordant, energy-filled guitar for interludes of harsh tunefulness.
After three years of persistent and juggling their day jobs and school, Neck worked their way from a demo-to-demo, show-to-show existence to a record deal with SFT - the label which gave start to many of New York's finest bands including Vision Of Disorder, 25 Ta Life and No Redeeming Social Value. Neck's debut full-length will be out in early 1998...everything you thought about music is about to change.
The album will be produced by Fred Betschen (he did Snapcase's "Steps"). Neck will record the first 3 songs of their demotape, the two songs off the 7", plus 5 brandnew ones including "3 Crosses".


  1. I can translate the spanish one when I got time

    1. Alright, finally got some free time.

      Corrected Spanish text:
      "Lo primero que me atrajo fue su extraña portada a la que aún no he podido encontrar un significado. Una buena producción, que se traduce en un buen sonido, acompaña a esta banda que nos llega desde Nueva York. Salta a la vista en este grupo la intención de progresar en lo que es el Hardcore, aunque quizás no hayan plasmado lo que, a mi parecer, es un estilo definido. Dos grandes temas que destacar como son el corte número 4 y 5: 'Answer Me' y 'M.T.I.V.', de los cuales resaltan sus geniales estribillos melódicos al más puro estilo Emo. Creo que si hiciesen canciones como las mencionadas, ganarían mucho más. En resumen: contundencia y armonía se fusionan en este CD interesante sin duda." (Indio/Based On Respect #1)

      Translated English text:
      "The first thing that attracted me was its strange cover to which I still haven't been able to find a meaning. Good production, which translates into a good sound, accompanies this band that comes to us from New York. It's obvious in this group the intention of progressing in what Hardcore is, although perhaps they haven't captured what, in my opinion, is a defined style. Two great songs to highlight are cuts number 4 and 5: 'Answer Me' and 'M.T.I.V. ', of which their great melodic choruses stand out in the purest Emo style. I think that if they made songs like the ones mentioned, they would gain much more. In short: forcefulness and harmony merge in this interesting CD without a doubt." (Indio/Based On Respect #1)
